Dec 13, 2011

Horse Profile, Coyote.

Coyote is Michael and Kristin's retired Rodeo horse.

He is approxamately 30 years old, and has been at White Stallion Ranch for at least 13 years.

Coyote has such an amazing history I wanted to share it with anyone who was interested. We do not often know a horse's full history so when we do, we find it pretty exciting.

He was born and raised on a Cattle Ranch on an Indian Reservation in Montana, originally raised to be a Rodeo Bucking Horse, He was so good at it he made champion in Montana for 4+ years and also for 3+ years in the All Indian Association in Montana.

They also taught him to Rope - heading/heeling/calf roping and also to be a hazing horse for Bulldogging. (see top picture)

In 1991/2 a friend of the True family, Jeff Frizzell, bought Coyote from the boy that owned him to be his personal rodeo horse. He was told "this horse will do anything but bulldog. When you jump off him he kicks and he never misses!" Jeff hauled Coyote all over the U.S. rodeoing and his wife Virginia also won a 4D barrel race on him.

Jeff and Coyote also starred in movies together; Blue Moon with Kris Kristofferson being the most renowned.

In 1999, Jeff sold Coyote to Michael as a roping horse for Kristin and he has been here ever since.

As amazing as he is (it is not often we come across a horse that displays so much talent and versitility), Coyote has earned his retirement here at the ranch and is living out the rest of his life with his best buddy Wildcat in peace and quiet.

Sep 15, 2011

Horse of the Month!

Every month we tally up the votes our guests have put into our "Horse of the Month" box to determine the winner.

This special horse gets a bubble bath, an extra treat and a visit with Rene Noriega, an equine body worker.

Equine body work involves sports massage to improve flexibility and range of muscle motion. It also helps to improve circulation and reduce tension in muscles and joints. And above all the horses love it!

Rene was certified as an Equine Body Worker in 2005 after over a year of research into equine physical therapy. He has been around horses and rodeo all of his life and developed his skills working with Bucking Horses in Rodeo and some of the Bucking Bulls for the PBR.

Rene has fabulous credentials and has worked on horses for people in the WPRA, PRCA, PBR and many more. He has recently picked up a contract working on the Mules at the Grand Canyon.

We are always excited to see him and amazed by the extent of his knowlege, kindness and enthusiasm for working with our horses!

May 16, 2011

Solar Project - KVOA News Article and video

Russell True co-owner of White Stallion Dude Ranch is interviewed by KVOA News regarding the solar energy project started by the ranch about a month ago.

"If we could take advantage of what makes Tucson so special, all those hours of sun and help ourselves and do the right thing for the world, it was just win win win all the way around," Russell True said...

Click below to see the full article and view the video.

May 7, 2011

Favourite Photo

I just wanted to share one of my latest and favourite photos taken on the Ranch. I think it captures the fun that can be had on vacation especially one where you can meet others and share your experience.

Special thanks to the Longe, Lovins and Pagett teens for starring in this moment.

Mar 15, 2011

The Changing Faces of Self Reliance

Ranches have always stood alone. Partly because of location and partly because of the people that live on them. When people moved out west life was about survival. If you needed water you had to live near a river or find a good place to dig a well. If you needed food then you had to grow or kill it yourself, or you needed have something to sell in order to purchase food.

An excerpt from the book "These is my Words" by Nancy E. Turner a book based on her own family memoirs talks of families picking locations to begin their ranches;

"Mama told him how streams in the Territory are mostly only good in the Winter, and he would be glad this Summer he had a well, when the stream was dry as dust. Likley we will have to dig deeper come August anyway."

Self reliance used to be viewed as the only means of survival. Out in the wilderness there was no-one to help, you could rely a little on those living around you but they had their own priorities.

Today the meaning of self reliance has changed. It is viewed more as "giving back".

Instead of living off the land we want to live with the land.

The changing ways of generating power, Wind, Water, and Solar are good examples. People are wanting more options of "clean" energy not only because of pollution and the green aspect but also because we need something when the current energy supplies run out.

Russell attended the State of the City Address for Oro Valley in his capacity of board member for the Metropolitan Tuscon Convention and Visitors Bureau. Solar Path was there with a Solar display, they explained to him the opportunity to take advantage of the utility sponsered, government funded solar program. After much internal discussion the Ranch decided that in these times of economic uncertainty not to go ahead and join the program. Subsequently the program became fully subscribed and the opportunity was gone. However, because of the severity and length of the econimic decline, several companies dropped out and Solar Path came to us again and we decided then to opt in creating, on the Ranch, the largest private solar farm in the Tucson area.

On January the 3rd (2011) construction began and on Tuesday the 22nd of March the first solar panels began to operate.

We have three separate sites where the electricity comes from solar panels into the meters for the ranch; the well, staff area and our main lodge buildings plus west side rooms. This is the largest amount of solar power that we are allowed to install and use to generate electricity for the program that we entered.

When I last checked one of the meters (the one for the main lodge) we had made 5,360 KWH, bought 104 KWH and sold back 7 KWH. The system is designed to power 35% to 40% of the electricity for the ranch, a very exciting prospect in the current economic climate.

Feb 23, 2011

Half Day Rides

In answer to a question we received...

We do still do Half Day Rides, typically on a Wednesday we go into Javelina Canyon in the Saguaro National Park. This is a fast ride, the majority of the loping is done on the ranch and then the ride passes though Lazy K and into the National Park. The canyon itself is not steep but it is rocky, the horses pick their way through boulders. It is a beautiful ride with many Saguaros and occasionally some Javelina are spotted.

The other Half Day Ride is the Perimeter Ride typically done on a Friday afternoon. This also is a fast ride. The trail stays as close as we can to the perimeter of the ranch but all the time staying on property, we go close to the Mine, close to the Saguaro National Park, and take a quick break at the wine and cheese ride site before riding home.

Both rides take approx 3 1/2 hours and are for comfortable riders.

Feb 11, 2011

Horses are amazing!

As a Guest Ranch horses have always been central to our way of life and they never cease to amaze us. They have a unique ability to assess us without being judgemental, to work hard for us without complaint, look after us and understand our needs better than any human ever can or will. By remaining unchanged horses change us.

It is becoming apparant to us that more and more people are recognising this, we are seeing more clinics come to the ranch and the changing roles that horses have.

This month alone we have had two clinics, the first; Wisdom Horse Coaching - a group that does Equine Guided Education. This retreat helped women create their own "Path of Beauty" or "Live the life that we are here to live". They state on their website that they use horses because "Horses are non-judgemental, honest mirrors." They know when we are angry or anxious, they know when we are excited or happy. By reflecting how we are, horses enable us to understand what is within us and often make changes for the better.

Our second clinic was with Kathy Pike and her Coaching with Horses clinic. Kathy teaches people to become part of the herd and how to become more "emotionally, physically and mentally aware". By understanding the instinctual nature of horses, people can be empowered.

"When I was present the horse was with me step for step, when my mind wandered from the present the horse was gone. this experience helped me understand that if I make a conscious effort to be present in my body I am then in control..." Steve, Canada.

Horses have gone from being "Beasts of Burden" to an animal that can help and guide us to being better human beings. By remaining instinctual and basically unchanged, horses have fundamentally changed positions. And are now viewed very differently from how they once were.
Panadero at the Ranch Feb 2010.

Feb 9, 2011

Welcome to White Stallion Ranch

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