He is approxamately 30 years old, and has been at White Stallion Ranch for at least 13 years.
Dec 13, 2011
Horse Profile, Coyote.
He is approxamately 30 years old, and has been at White Stallion Ranch for at least 13 years.
Sep 15, 2011
Horse of the Month!
This special horse gets a bubble bath, an extra treat and a visit with Rene Noriega, an equine body worker.
Equine body work involves sports massage to improve flexibility and range of muscle motion. It also helps to improve circulation and reduce tension in muscles and joints. And above all the horses love it!
Rene was certified as an Equine Body Worker in 2005 after over a year of research into equine physical therapy. He has been around horses and rodeo all of his life and developed his skills working with Bucking Horses in Rodeo and some of the Bucking Bulls for the PBR.
Rene has fabulous credentials and has worked on horses for people in the WPRA, PRCA, PBR and many more. He has recently picked up a contract working on the Mules at the Grand Canyon.
We are always excited to see him and amazed by the extent of his knowlege, kindness and enthusiasm for working with our horses!
May 16, 2011
Solar Project - KVOA News Article and video
Russell True co-owner of White Stallion Dude Ranch is interviewed by KVOA News regarding the solar energy project started by the ranch about a month ago.
"If we could take advantage of what makes Tucson so special, all those hours of sun and help ourselves and do the right thing for the world, it was just win win win all the way around," Russell True said...
Click below to see the full article and view the video.
May 7, 2011
Favourite Photo
Mar 15, 2011
The Changing Faces of Self Reliance
Feb 23, 2011
Half Day Rides
Feb 11, 2011
Horses are amazing!
It is becoming apparant to us that more and more people are recognising this, we are seeing more clinics come to the ranch and the changing roles that horses have.
This month alone we have had two clinics, the first; Wisdom Horse Coaching - a group that does Equine Guided Education. http://www.wisdomhorsecoaching.com This retreat helped women create their own "Path of Beauty" or "Live the life that we are here to live". They state on their website that they use horses because "Horses are non-judgemental, honest mirrors." They know when we are angry or anxious, they know when we are excited or happy. By reflecting how we are, horses enable us to understand what is within us and often make changes for the better.
Our second clinic was with Kathy Pike and her Coaching with Horses clinic. http://www.coachingwithhorses.com Kathy teaches people to become part of the herd and how to become more "emotionally, physically and mentally aware". By understanding the instinctual nature of horses, people can be empowered.
"When I was present the horse was with me step for step, when my mind wandered from the present the horse was gone. this experience helped me understand that if I make a conscious effort to be present in my body I am then in control..." Steve, Canada.
Horses have gone from being "Beasts of Burden" to an animal that can help and guide us to being better human beings. By remaining instinctual and basically unchanged, horses have fundamentally changed positions. And are now viewed very differently from how they once were.